“You don’t get a second chance to make a great first impression!”
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Many churches when I go to check them out if I am contemplating sending a resume for a senior pastor position have no website or a poor one at best; a Facebook account perhaps with a few posts from years gone by and quite honestly it is a huge turnoff. It communicates that this church does not understand the importance and value of having an updated attractive website and a Facebook account that is year current with posts of current events and happenings. For the Millennial and GenZ/iGen Generation’s, much less my generation (Boomers) this is a huge opportunity missed to attract people to come and check out your church.
Churches need to understand that a great website provides a window into their church soul and psyche. It communicates to those outside their church what is important to them as a body of believers. It allows the Christ follower and non-Christ follower an opportunity to check them out. What can they expect should they choose to visit i.e. what to wear, what kind of music and teaching style by the pastor/minister is to be expected; what to do when they arrive there as a first time guest, where to go and who will help them get oriented to the church facility and experience. What if they have children, teenagers, or if they are single, college & career age or a senior adult; is there a place in this church for them? They need to know these important things before they ever set foot on our campuses.
Please check out the Sarasota, FL Gulf Gate Church website at www.gulfgatechurch.com for just one great example of a church getting its website right. This website was instrumental in June and I deciding to check this church out when we were searching for a new church home. There are many other churches with awesome websites, but so many churches today of varying sizes have no website or a poor website at best. Websites do not have to be expensive, and you do not have to be an instructional program designer, know how to write code, or be a website savvy or a geek to have a great website. Spending a few dollars on a monthly basis, having a teachable spirit and willing to put in a few hours a month and any church can have an awesome website. Prayerfully consider this article if your church does not have a great/current website and up-to-date Facebook account as missed opportunities to reach people desperately in need of Jesus Christ.