In February 2015 I posted an article on this site titled “God’s SW.O.T. Analysis of the Seven Churches in Revelation” as a way of showing how this Strategic Analysis Tool could be utilized in a church and biblical context. Today…
Category: Leadership Development
So, since 2020 I have been busy pastoring Gulf Ridge Park Baptist Church in Brooksville, FL and haven’t really posted anything of significance on this site focusing more on our church website at Like many churches across the American…
Do you know your past doesn’t have to define you now nor destroy your future? If you are someone who is struggling with the guilt and shame because of things that have happened to you in your past, and particularly…
I truly believe whether you are a male marketplace or faith based organizational leader or minister, this book should be required reading in your university or seminary leadership program. It was required reading a few years back by the organizational…
© 2014 Photo used with purchased copyright permission from BIGSTOCK PHOTO. Over these past several months I have taken advantage of listening and viewing various live events and podcasts, relative to leadership and organizational development by top leadership experts in…
“People and churches can be ignorant of what they don’t perceive to be relative or relevant to them. This leads to apathy and indifference, and I don’t know and I don’t care attitude, that can lead a church to become…
The more you are called to speak to people, the more you are called to listen to people. Eugene Cho Yesterday afternoon I watched an online conference with David Kinnaman (President of Barna Research & author) along with Mark Matlock…
“If Jesus were to come back and see what people have done in his name, he’d throw up,” a line from a Woody Allen character in his film Hannah and Her Sisters. “If you preach the gospel in all aspects…
John 4:27-30 “Just then his [Jesus’] disciples return and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, ‘What do you want? Or Why are you talking to her?’ Then, leaving her water jar, the woman…
Today’s post may be the most important post yet as we examine John 4:15-26. It is important from a cultural as well as theological and gender perspective. As this is a longer section of verses we will not provide all…